Have any of you gotten so stressed that all you want to do is just be a potato? (sleep basically)
I have. It sucks. In my previous post I have mentioned about making a better change to my lifestyle. Truth is, I’ve tried and tried annnnd tried. Tried a lot of things to make my mornings more peaceful and less “lazy” that comes with getting up and not wanting to do anything except just stay in bed.
Welp, short update on my life is this month has been a little more overwhelming. This other new job, I thought that would keep me sane, is not doing the favor at all. I show up at work and they tell me (and other fellow co workers) that they are changing the schedule for all the new hires. Meaning we as new hires won’t be working as much as the company said we would. Now my first other job that I’ve been working for the longest time as you all already know, its only part time with very little hours. So the California struggle has been very real to me as of now.
My blogging and gaming life has also been ridiculously a weird roller coaster…
I’ll start with gaming! OKAY, so I got new headsets as some of you know, so I could start streaming again and GUESS FREAKING WHAT?!
One night I was just playing a regular game and heard a funny crack noise. At first I thought it was the jack that is used for the Xbox one controller. BUT nope! Complete silence through my headset and couldn’t hear the game. I am not sure what caused it, though I am certain it could’ve just been that one time. Since then I haven’t tried it again. I know! I know! I should…
Am going to, just don’t know when. xD
Alright as far as blogging goes, I have a lot of photos! Downside is I have a lot of personal things I have to take care of in reality. As much as I want to take my ghetto beat up laptop to a coffee shop and just escape to the online world. I just can’t :(
I have unplanned situations come up everyday in my home (no I am not exaggerating, this is real life I am talking about). I’m not going to go into detail, but pursuing a passion you love so dearly is such an amazing great way to live. Distractions come up all the time, but when family makes their problem your problem, its honestly sucks.
I don’t have my own space here at home. So if you’re a genius, you can figure out the puzzle.
There’s my little short rant update for today haha. Now onto to the NEWS!
Blogging has been a love/hate relationship for the past years ever since I started. But I love it so much that I’ve considered re-launching for the NEW COOLEST GOODIES I HAVE PLANNED FOR JULIEZABEE.COM! :)
It’s very exciting and I cannot wait to share all the deetsss! I do not want to give everything a way so keep updated on twitter and instagram to know when the whole sheeebang happens!
For now enjoy all these photos from Texas (not all), the beach, and daycations I have from the past few months. They are random so don’t worry there is more coming! :)
xx Julz
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