![view (4)](http://juliezabee.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/view-4-980x653.jpg)
Hi guys! This is the continuation of my tiring 3 hour hike! Here are more photos! I have to make this a bit quick because of time, I have to get ready for work ;( mehhh…
Okay lets be honest, I took a photo of that girls socks because I really just loved her socks with her shoes… (haha I love crazy long socks…) Other than that I loved the view from each stop I made (because I couldn’t keep up haha…) It was beyond phenomenal! I literally saw the whole west coast of ocean. Beyond words I was speechless.
After our one hour hike back down, we went grubbin’ on some In N Out :) WE WERE STARVING OKAY.
I don’t like burgers whatsoever, so I always usually get animal fries. Yum :)
Well I need to go for now. Talk to y’all very soon xx
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